
Angelo Debarre

Some basic information about Angelo Debarre: Angelo (born 19 August 1962) grew up in a caravan (surprise?) surrounded by Gipsy waltzes, which continue to be one of his specialties.

I haven't heard him play for some years now, but according to Knut Frydenlund (rhythm guitarist in the Norwegian string swing band "Hot Club De Norvege) Angelo can play all sorts of instruments, and his guitar playing only seem to get better! I am only aware of his recordings on the "Hot Club Records" ( Hot Club Records, P.O. Box 5202, Majorstua, N-0302 Oslo, Norway) label:

Featuring Angelo on solo guitar, Serge Camps on rhythm guitar, and Frank Anastasio on double bass. I can highly recommend this record which gives you a good demonstration of his rather staccato and authoritative phrasing. Just check out track #4 - "La Gitane" - really impressive!

Angelo plays on tracks No. 1, 5, 9, and 11: "Stompin at Decca", "MW" (his own composition!), "Tears", and "Sweet Lotus Blossom".

I have had the pleasure of watching Angelo and the Gipsy guitar prodigy Jimmy Rosenberg playing duet at the Oslo Django Festival some years ago. They had never played together before, hadn't even rehearsed before the show! The audience went nuts! Their chord and solo phrasings really went down your spine!

Cheers, Gunnar.

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